Iggman David

Distriktsläkare vid Vårdcentral Svärdsjö och chefläkare Division Primärvård, Region Dalarna. Docent i klinisk nutrition och associerad forskare vid institutionen för Folkhälso- och Vårdvetenskap, enheten för Klinisk Nutrition och Metabolism, Uppsala Universitet.

Iggman David

Jag disputerade 2015 vid Uppsala universitet med en avhandling om fettsyror i kosten och kardiometabol risk. Min forskning i Dalarna har på senare år huvudsakligen fokuserat på livsmedels effekter på blodfetterna. Ett mål har varit att förbättra förutsättningarna för att kunna ge evidensbaserade kostråd till patienter i primärvården.

Jag har medverkat i både randomiserade studier och observationsstudier, som publicerats i ansedda internationella tidsskrifter inom sina ämnesområden såsom American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Diabetes, Diabetologia, JAMA Cardiology, Journal of the American Heart Association och The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism.

Jag föreläser inom ämnen som kost och folksjukdomar, nutritionsepidemiologi och evidensbaserad medicin. Jag är ledamot i Centrumrådet, Dalarnas Medicinska råd och har deltagit som sakkunnig i SBU-rapporten Mat vid diabetes som publicerades 2022.

Vetenskapliga publikationer

Alla länkar är externa.

Professionals' perspectives on existing practice and conditions for nurse-led gout care based on treatment recommendations: a qualitative study in primary healthcare
Sedelius H, Tistad M, Bergsten U, Dehlin M, Iggman D, Wallin L, Svärd A. 
BMC Prim Care. 2022 Apr 7;23(1):71. doi: 10.1186/s12875-022-01677-z. PMID: 35392809; PMCID: PMC8988383.

SBU. Mat vid diabetes
Stockholm: Statens beredning för medicinsk och social utvärdering (SBU)2022
SBU Utvärderar 345. [accessed 22-08-18].

Effectiveness of Written Dietary Advice for Improving Blood Lipids in Primary Care Adults—A Pragmatic Randomized Controlled Trial (MYDICLIN)
Rydell, A.; Hellsten, M.; Lindow, M.; Iggman, D.
Nutrients 2022, 14, 1022.

Response to La Sala and Pontiroli
Schoeneck M, Iggman D. 
Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 2021 Aug 26;31(9):2733-2734. doi: 10.1016/j.numecd.2021.06.001. Epub 2021 Jun 25. PMID: 34344544.

The effects of foods on LDL cholesterol levels: A systematic review of the accumulated evidence from systematic reviews and meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials.
Schoeneck Malin, Iggman David.
Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 2021 May 6;31(5):1325-1338. Epub 2021 Jan 16. PMID: 33762150.
doi: 10.1016/j.numecd.2020.12.032. 

Abdominal Fat and Metabolic Health Markers but Not PNPLA3 Genotype Predicts Liver Fat Accumulation in Response to Excess Intake of Energy and Saturated Fat in Healthy Individuals. 
Rosqvist Fredrik, Orho-Melander Marju, Kullberg Joel, Iggman David, Johanssson Hans-Erik, Cedernaes Jonathan, et al. 
Frontiers in nutrition 2020 Dec 3;7:606004. DOI: 10.3389/fnut.2020.606004

Plasma proteomics and lung function in four community-based cohorts.
Rydell Andreas, Nowak Christoph, Janson Christer, Lisspers Karin, Ställberg Björn, Iggman David, et al. 
Respiratory medicine 2020:176:106282. DOI: 10.1016/j.rmed.2020.106282

The Effects of Foods on Blood Lipids in Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)-A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. 
Rosqvist Fredrik, Rydell Andreas, Iggman David. 
Frontiers in nutrition 2020 Dec 16;7:613221. DOI: 10.3389/fnut.2020.613221

Overeating Saturated Fat Promotes Fatty Liver and Ceramides Compared With Polyunsaturated Fat: A Randomized Trial
Fredrik Rosqvist, Joel Kullberg, Marcus Ståhlman, Jonathan Cedernaes, Kerstin Heurling, Hans-Erik Johansson, David Iggman, Helena Wilking, Anders Larsson, Olof Eriksson, Lars Johansson, Sara Straniero, Mats Rudling, Gunnar Antoni, Mark Lubberink, Marju Orho-Melander, Jan Borén, Håkan Ahlström, Ulf Risérus
The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 2019:104 (12), 6207-6219

Endothelial dysfunction is associated with impaired lung function in two independent community cohorts.
Rydell A, Janson C, Lisspers K, Ställberg B, Nowak C, Carlsson AC, Feldreich T, Iggman D, Lind L, Ärnlöv J.
Respir Med 2018:143:123-128.

Impact of polyunsaturated and saturated fat overfeeding on the DNA-methylation pattern in human adipose tissue: a randomized controlled trial 
Perfilyev A, Dahlman I, Gillberg L, Rosqvist F, Iggman D, Volkov P, Nilsson E, Risérus U, Ling C
Am J Clin Nutr. 2017 Apr;105(4):991-1000. doi: 10.3945/ajcn.116.143

Adipose tissue transcriptomics and epigenomics in low birthweight men and controls: role of high-fat overfeeding
Gillberg L, Perfilyev A, Brøns C, Thomasen M, Grunnet LG, Volkov P, Rosqvist F, Iggman D, Dahlman I, Risérus U, Rönn T, Nilsson E, Vaag A, Ling C
Diabetologia. 2016 Apr;59(4):799-812. doi: 10.1007/s00125-015-3852-9

Association of Adipose Tissue Fatty Acids With Cardiovascular and All-Cause Mortality in Elderly Men
David Iggman, Johan Ärnlöv, Tommy Cederholm
JAMA Cardiol. Published online August 17, 2016. doi:10.1001/jamacardio.2016.2259

Adipose tissue transcriptomics and epigenomics in low birthweight men and controls: role of high-fat overfeeding
Gillberg L, Perfilyev A, Brøns C, Thomasen M, Grunnet LG, Volkov P, Rosqvist F, Iggman D, Dahlman I, Risérus U, Rönn T, Nilsson E, Vaag A, Ling C
Diabetologia. 2016 Apr;59(4):799-812. doi: 10.1007/s00125-015-3852-9. Epub 2016 Jan 11

NMR-based metabolic profiling in healthy individuals overfed different types of fat: links to changes in liver fat accumulation and lean tissue mass
Elmsjö A, Rosqvist F, Engskog MK, Haglöf J, Kullberg J, Iggman D, Johansson L, Ahlström H, Arvidsson T, Risérus U, Pettersson C
Nutr Diabetes. 2015 Oct 19;5:e182. doi: 10.1038/nutd.2015.31

Role of dietary fats in modulating cardiometabolic risk during moderate weight gain: a randomized double-blind overfeeding trial (LIPOGAIN study)
Iggman D, Rosqvist F, Larsson A, Arnlöv J, Beckman L, Rudling M, Risérus U
2014 Journal of the American Heart Association 3(5): e001095

Plasma alkylresorcinols C17:0/C21:0 ratio, a biomarker of relative whole-grain rye intake, is associated to insulin sensitivity: a randomized study
Magnusdottir OK, Landberg R, Gunnarsdottir I, Cloetens L, Akesson B, Landin-Olsson M, Rosqvist F, Iggman D, Schwab U, Herzig KH, Savolainen MJ, Brader L, Hermansen K, Kolehmainen M, Poutanen K, Uusitupa M, Thorsdottir I, Risérus U
2014 European journal of clinical nutrition 68(4): 453-458

Overfeeding polyunsaturated and saturated fat causes distinct effects on liver and visceral fat accumulation in humans
Rosqvist F, Iggman D, Kullberg J, Cedernaes J, Johansson HE, Larsson A, Johansson L, Ahlström H, Arner P, Dahlman I, Risérus U
2014 Diabetes 63(7): 2356-2368

Serum cathepsin S is associated with decreased insulin sensitivity and the development of type 2 diabetes in a community-based cohort of elderly men
Jobs E, Risérus U, Ingelsson E, Sundström J, Jobs M, Nerpin E, Iggman D, Basu S, Larsson A, Lind L, Ärnlöv J
(2013) Diabetes Care 36(1): 163-165

Effects of an isocaloric healthy Nordic diet on insulin sensitivity, lipid profile and inflammation markers in metabolic syndrome -- a randomized study (SYSDIET)
Uusitupa M, Hermansen K, Savolainen MJ, Schwab U, Kolehmainen M, Brader L, Mortensen LS, Cloetens L, Johansson-Persson A, Onning G, Landin-Olsson M, Herzig KH, Hukkanen J, Rosqvist F, Iggman D, Paananen J, Pulkki KJ, Siloaho M, Dragsted L, Barri T, Overvad K, Bach Knudsen KE, Hedemann MS, Arner P, Dahlman I, Borge GI, Baardseth P, Ulven SM, Gunnarsdottir I, Jónsdóttir S, Thorsdottir I, Orešič M, Poutanen KS, Risérus U, Akesson B
(2013) J Intern Med 274(1): 52-66

Effects of n-6 PUFAs compared with SFAs on liver fat, lipoproteins, and inflammation in abdominal obesity: a randomized controlled trial
Bjermo H, Iggman D, Kullberg J, Dahlman I, Johansson L, Persson L, Berglund J, Pulkki K, Basu S, Uusitupa M, Rudling M, Arner P, Cederholm T, Ahlström H, Risérus U
Am J Clin Nutr. 2012 May;95(5):1003-12. Epub 2012 Apr 4

Role of different dietary saturated fatty acids for cardiometabolic risk
David Iggman, Ulf Risérus
Clinical Lipidology. April 2011, Vol. 6, No. 2, Pages 209-223 

Replacing dairy fat with rapeseed oil causes rapid improvement of hyperlipidaemia: a randomized controlled study
Iggman D, Gustafsson IB, Berglund L, Vessby B, Marckmann P, Risérus U
J Intern Med. 2011 Apr 5. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2796.2011.02383.x. [Epub ahead of print]

Adipose tissue fatty acids and insulin sensitivity in elderly men
Iggman D, Arnlöv J, Vessby B, Cederholm T, Sjögren P, Risérus U
Diabetologia. 2010 May;53(5):850-7. Epub 2010 Feb 3



Dietary Fatty Acids and Cardiometabolic Risk: Influence on Lipoproteins, Insulin Resistance and Liver Fat

David IggmanLäkare

Telefon: 023-49 00 00
E-post: david.iggman@regiondalarna.se